Reimbursement of Abbott products may vary from province to province. Therefore, Abbott offers a list of tools and resources for reimbursement to help you and your colleagues navigate and select the optimal reimbursed product.
Here are the different reimbursement programs and options available across the Canadian provinces.
The following Abbott nutritional products are listed on the Alberta Human Services Drug Benefit Supplement.
PIN | Description | Format |
999901 | Ensure® Regular, All flavours | 235-mL bottles |
999902 | Ensure® Plus Calories, All flavours | 235-mL bottles |
999940 | Glucerna® nutritional drink, All flavours | 237-mL bottles |
999685 | Glucerna® 1.2 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL cartons |
999685 | Glucerna® 1.2 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
989998 | PediaSure® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles |
999938 | Jevity® 1.0 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
999545 | Nepro®, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles |
999545 | Nepro®, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
999621 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
999621 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
80074173 | Pedialyte®, All flavours | 1-L bottles |
80072902 | Pedialyte®, Unflavoured | 1-L bottles |
999933 | PediaSure®, All flavours | 235-mL cans |
990029 | PediaSure® Fibre, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
999449 | Similac® Alimentum® | 237-mL cans |
999788 | Similac® Alimentum® | 400-g cans |
999465 | Similac® Neosure® | 363-g cans |
999414 | Suplena®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
999845 | Ensure® Advance, All flavours | 235-mL bottles |
999416 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
999416 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
999475 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
999475 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
999434 | PediaSure® Plus, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
999430 | TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
999430 | TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
For more information, visit:
RTH: ready-to-hang
* For use in patients who are unable to tolerate, have failed, or have nutritional requirements which cannot be met with the nutritional products which are unrestricted benefits (listed in PTC 40:20 of the Alberta Human Services Drug Benefit Supplement).
Information is required regarding the patient's diagnosis, previous nutritional products utilized and the patient’s response to therapy, and/or the nutritional requirement which cannot be met with other nutritional products.
The following Abbott nutritional products are listed on the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Formulary.
PIN | Description | Format |
80074173 | Pedialyte®, All flavours | 1-L bottles |
80072902 | Pedialyte®, Unflavoured | 1-L bottles |
ADULT | ||
97904333 | Ensure® Plus, All flavours | 235-mL cans |
97984060 | Jevity® 1.0 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
9854096 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
9857117 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
9857344 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
9857312 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
9854169 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans |
9857095 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers |
9853731 | Suplena®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
9858101 | Vital® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles |
9858102 | Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles |
9858103 | Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
9854380 | TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
97984370 | PediaSure®, All flavours | 235-mL cans |
9854371 | PediaSure® Fibre, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
9857419 | PediaSure® Plus, Vanilla | 235-mL cans |
9857523 | PediaSure® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles |
97973084 | RCF® | 384-mL cans |
97984558 | Similac® Alimentum® | 237-mL cans |
9857864 | Similac® Alimentum® | 400-g cans |
9857124 | Similac® Neosure® | 363-g cans |
For more information, visit:
RTH: ready-to-hang
The following Abbott nutritional products are listed on the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) List of Medications.
RAMQ Code | Exception
Drug Status Code | Description | Format |
99114086 | Ensure® Plus, All flavours | 235-mL cans | |
99114339 | Glucerna® 1.2 Cal | 237-mL cartons | |
99114340 | Glucerna® 1.2 Cal | 1000-mL RTH containers | |
99000482 | Jevity® 1.0 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | |
99003392 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | |
99003600 | Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | |
99100417 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | |
99100402 | Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | |
99100702 | Nepro®, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles | |
99100703 | Nepro®, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | |
99004224 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | |
99004216 | Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | |
99001543 | Promote®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | |
99002647 | Suplena®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | |
99004690 | TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | |
99100462 | TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | |
99000474 | PediaSure®, All flavours | 235-mL cans | |
99001381 | PediaSure® Fibre, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | |
99005050 | PediaSure® Plus, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | |
99101182 | VA98 | Vital® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles |
99101183 | VA98 | Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles |
99101178 | VA98 | Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
99101181 | VA98 | PediaSure® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles |
99100206 | VA105 | Similac® Alimentum® | 237-mL cans |
99100123 | VA104 | Similac® Neosure® | 363-g cans |
For more information, visit:
RTH: ready-to-hang
The following Abbott nutritional products are listed by the Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL) Program.
Description | Format | ||
Glucerna® 1.2 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL cartons | ||
Glucerna® 1.2 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | ||
Jevity® 1.0 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | ||
Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | ||
Jevity® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | ||
Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | ||
Jevity® 1.5 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | ||
Nepro®, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles | ||
Nepro®, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | ||
Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 235-mL cans | ||
Osmolite® 1.2 Cal, Unflavoured | 1500-mL RTH containers | ||
PediaSure Complete® Grow & GainTM, All flavours | 235-mL bottles | ||
PediaSure®, All flavours | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure® Fibre, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure® Plus, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles | ||
Promote®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
RCF® | 384-mL cans | ||
Similac® Alimentum® | 237-mL cans | ||
Similac® Alimentum® | 400-g cans | ||
Similac® Neosure® | 363-g cans | ||
Suplena®, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
TwoCal® HN, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | ||
Vital® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles | ||
Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles | ||
Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers | ||
eligible if combined with eligible formula | |||
LiquiProtein® | 54-mL bottles | ||
Ensure® Regular, All flavours | 235-mL bottles | ||
PediaSure®, All flavours | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure® Fibre, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure® Plus, Vanilla | 235-mL cans | ||
PediaSure Complete® Grow & GainTM, All flavours | 235-mL bottles | ||
PediaSure® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 237-mL bottles | ||
Vital® Peptide 1 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles | ||
Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 220-mL bottles | ||
Vital® Peptide 1.5 Cal, Vanilla | 1000-mL RTH containers |
For more information, visit:
RTH: ready-to-hang